Agnieszka Janarek

Hold you horses! Teaching duration behaviors!

webinar started
20 March 2021 18:00

This webinar will cover duration behaviors from a variety of angles.


  • Teaching duration behaviors seems to be one of the most common struggles handlers experience in their training.
  • Is there a different way to teach “WAIT” than the common “withhold the click”?
  • How do we “withhold the click” without using extinction or negative punishment?
  • How do we teach duration without unwanted behavior in the loop?

This webinar will cover all that and much more!

We will also talk about:

  •  what is the duration
  • how do we teach duration
  • stimulus control and duration
  • backchaining and duration
  • common errors
  • duration in dog training sports!


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  • Interactive
  • Certificate of attendance
  • Q&A in real time
  • Access to Tromplo students group on Facebook
  • 2 points to spend on future purchases



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