Lisa Longo
Founder of Animal Académie, Lisa Longo is an animal behavior consultant in France.
She began her behavioral sciences odyssey by attending numerous conferences that allowed her to take part in some of the major learning opportunities in Applied Behavior Analysis with animals.
She is an LLA (leaving & learning with animals) and LLP (living & learning with parrots) graduate by the Dr. Emeritus Susan G. Friedman.
Wanting to improve her training technique, she attended intensive “Contemporary Animal Training and Management” seminars and workshops at the Natural Encouters Center, alongside Steve Martin, Florida.
Lisa is also the first CPBT-KA (certified professional bird trainer-knowledge assessed) in France. This title is obtained by passing an examination that tests the main skills and knowledge needed for education, rehabilitation and management of birds (behavior science, applied training, health, enrichment and management, etc.).
Her particular passion for parrots led her to publish a book called "The Pet Parrot’s Guide" (le Guide du Perroquet de Compagnie), which covers a wide range of information for both novices and experienced owners.
Lisa is also the second French animal trainer to obtain the certification "Fear Free Certified Professional".
This certification confirms her commitment to use, recommend and always promote practices that protect the physical AND emotional well-being of her pets and those of her clients, all species.
The mission of Fear Free® is to prevent and alleviate fear, anxiety and stress in pets by inspiring and educating people who take care of them (veterinarians, trainers, technicians, groomers,... ).
In December 2020, Lisa became the first French CBCC-KA, Certified Behavior Consultant Canine - Knowledge Assessed, by the Certification Council for Professional Dog Trainers (CCPDT®).
Lisa's passion has always been to help pets and and their fellow humans live in harmony. In this role, she goes to private homes to help them establish a new communication with their pets.
To help a wide range of pet owners, Lisa is also an instructor for the online courses platforms Muzo+ (French) and Tromplo (English).
Her thirst for knowledge and her desire to always offer the best advices and services to her clients and students keep her in constant learning.
Lisa currently shares her house with a Czechoslovakian wolf dog, a red-lored Amazon, a blue & gold macaw and a Gottingen pig (and a husband!).